China Grace Mission Bible Studies
R. B. Thieme, Jr., Publications
Mental Attitude Dynamics
Mental Attitude Dynamics
An excerpt from the text:
Behind every face is a mental attitude, a manner of thinking. You are what you think! God mandates that you think divine viewpoint – the mind of Christ – a perspective of life based on the infallible Word of God. When Bible doctrine is the foundation of your thinking, you will have confidence and stability under all circumstances, an orientation to grace, an inner happiness that produces capacity for life, love, and blessing, and a relaxed mental attitude toward people.
每一张脸孔的背后、是一个心理态度、一个思考的方式。你怎样思量你的为人就是怎样!神命令你思考神的观点 – 就是基督的心怀意念 – 一个生命的透视基于神万无一失的话语。当圣经教义成为你思考的基 础时、在任何的情况下、你会有信心和稳定、一切以恩为本、有着内心的快乐、这样我们就可以产生出对生命、爱和幸福的接受能力、对人有一个放松的心理态度。